Benedictine College’s Vision

Building One of the Great Catholic Colleges in America

Building a great Catholic college requires a community-wide commitment to excellence. We dedicate ourselves to educating students to become leaders in the Benedictine tradition, who will transform the world through their commitment to intellectual, personal, and spiritual greatness.

Intellectually, we achieve this with an academic environment in which all students are challenged to reach their fullest potential through close collaboration with faculty and peers. Through a broadly-based liberal arts education, students are trained to view the world from a variety of academic perspectives and to use the tools of a number of disciplines to understand, analyze, and solve problems. At Benedictine, America’s Discovery College, students experience the power of collaboration and the joy of discovery, and learn to communicate clearly, effectively, and persuasively. We encourage them to form the habit of life-long learning and expect them to apply well-developed ethical standards in every aspect of their lives.

Personally, through immersion in a dynamic residential community, students are challenged to grow in character, in their relationships, and as leaders. They become equipped with the skills to nurture and develop the bonds of community. As business leaders, professionals, teachers, citizens, neighbors, and parents, our alumni will have learned to see others as God sees them—to appreciate the unique value and infinite worth of every human being. They will have been formed to cherish the welfare of others, loyalty to their communities and families, and an absolute dedication to personal integrity.

Spiritually, students grow in an atmosphere that values faith in Jesus Christ. As a Catholic institution, we are dedicated to “the ardent search for truth and its unselfish transmission … so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.” [Ex Corde Ecclessiae] Because of this dedication, we welcome and support students of all faiths and encourage them in their quest to grow closer to God. We share the beauty and mystery of the Catholic faith with all members of our community, while we respect the essential freedom that is key to a mature faith. All students are challenged to put their faith into action.

These commitments are fostered within the framework of the Benedictine charism. The college community seeks to follow the example of Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica, in word and deed, finding guidance for daily living in Holy Scripture and the Rule of St. Benedict. This calls us all to live united by our search for truth, zealous in fostering and recognizing the dignity of each person, and committed to a balanced way of life. Through this framework, students are prepared to live a life of service, leading with true humility. Our distinctively Benedictine approach to education culminates in graduates who are committed to living their lives “so that in all things God may be glorified.” [Rule of St. Benedict]

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